
Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I heard on the news last night that scientists have taken the first step towarsd creating an invisible cloak! That's crazy! I think there are already days where I feel invisible without any cloak needed. Yesterday was one of those days for me.

I go to work, keep my head down (because I have so much to do), occasionally chat with friends for a minute, but otherwise....I am invisible. In the evening, I'm alone at home relaxing, the phone doesn't ring, no one comes to the door ...I am invisible.

Don't get me wrong, sometimes it is nice to literally fly under the radar. If I'm having a bad day and want to be left alone, or if I really need to just get away from everything - those are great days to keep to yourself and hope not to be noticed. But most days, I enjoy interaction with others. I love friends asking how my weekend was, or my husband calling to say he misses me. Those things make the difference between a good day and a bad day.

Last night, lying in bed at midnight not being able to sleep....I was listening to the utter stillness outside and wondered what it was like to be completely invisible for a day? No one to notice you and say hi, no one to call and make sure you're still alive, just total and utter seclusion from everyone.

I may not have been secluded from anything yesterday....but some reason, I still felt invisible.

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