
Monday, April 21, 2008

These are some good times

It was a good weekend, one full of memories. Sunday we met my parents in the Amana Colonies for lunch. My dad grew up there, and I used to visit my grandma, or ‘Oma’ in German, as a kid nearly every weekend. Sadly, since her death, I’ve only been to visit a handful of times. We went to the cemetery first, then around town and out to lunch. It is so sad to hear my dad talk about all the friends and relatives he has in that cemetery – there is a lot of history there. It’s even more sad to hear my mom and dad anguish about which of them is going to be buried where. Frankly, when my day comes – I want my ashes to be spread somewhere beautiful for everyone to come enjoy and remember, instead of having family come mourn my death at a graveyard, to each their own I guess.

I really enjoyed taking a walk down memory lane in the Amanas. So many stories pop in my head of hearing my brothers talk about working at the General Store, sneaking wine samples, etc. I also have many childhood memories of helping my dad sell postcards (back before the days of internet or e-cards) and how that is one of those things I hated at the time, but now look fondly on. I can’t help but think of some song lyrics by Trace Adkins. Even if you aren’t a country music fan, you should look it up and listen to it, and relish in the truth of the lyrics that go like this:
You’re gonna miss this
You’re gonna want this back
You’re gonna wish these days
Hadn’t gone by so fast

These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you’re gonna miss this

Times like this weekend make me reminisce and smile. Thankfully when I look back at old photos or revisit places that have slowly begun to fade from my memory, I am reminded again of how precious those days were, and how I miss them in some ways. I wish we could realize as a kid how great some of the experiences we go through really are. Sadly, it’s not until much later, long after “those days” are gone that we can truly appreciate them.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

There's nothing better

There's nothing better on a rainy spring day than staying in bed, cuddling, napping and listening to the rain hit your window. Unfortunately I wasn't able to do that today, but I still enjoy a great thunderstorm. Sure the rain may be annoying trying to get to and from during our busy lives, but it's so great to listen to the thunder and know that bluer skies are just around the corner.

There is nothing better than spring. I love to get out as a family and enjoy the renewal that spring brings with it. After being cooped up all winter, we recently enjoyed a great weekend outside of planting flowers, washing the cars and going to the park. It is definitely long overdue.

Like almost everything, it again makes me reflect on the life and the family I have. It's no secret that Eric and I are hoping to make our family bigger in the near future. However, life doesn't always deal you the hand you want. It is proving to be a little more difficult than once thought, but we still have faith that if it is meant to be, it will be. We have also had the difficult conversation of what happens if it just isn't meant to be. That decision may be easier said than done. The fact is, that regardless of what our future holds, I have faith that God has a plan for us. I have a wonderful husband who I love dearly, and am blessed to be able to help raise two great little blessed I am already!

Truth is....there's nothing better than being happy with your life. Contentment is not a dirty word - it's one that many people struggle to embrace. We always want more, "need" more, desire more. Whatever happened to being grateful for everything we have, without always wanting more? Don't get me wrong, I desire things just as much as anyone else, but when I truly peel it all away - I am SO HAPPY with my life as it is, right now, today, regardless of what God has planned for me tomorrow and beyond.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Burnt out!

I am burnt out on this winter. I'm so stressed out and frustrated and don't have very good excuse. I'm tired of not getting any sunshine or fresh air. I'm sick of gloomy, cold, rainy/snowy days. My soul needs spring to come quicker!

Eric and I have been crabby the past few days, we've been fighting colds and trying to sort out the chaos of getting the boys signed up for spring sports, dealing with stress at work, etc. But I think the main reason that I am so much more stressed is because I'm sick of feeling cooped up! It's hard to unwind from things when I'm stuck in the office or the house 24/7. The kids and dogs are both climbing the walls, and the winter routine is dragging me down with it!

I think in order to get back to feeling like my normal self - I need to see some green! And I'm not talking about money (although that would help relieve some stress too), I'm referring to green grass, green flowers and the colors of spring!

The good news is that the nicer weather is around the corner, I know it. I just need to get excited about being outdoors more, getting off the couch and getting more exercise, and letting the cool, crisp breezes of spring renew my soul! I am counting the days!