
Thursday, April 10, 2008

There's nothing better

There's nothing better on a rainy spring day than staying in bed, cuddling, napping and listening to the rain hit your window. Unfortunately I wasn't able to do that today, but I still enjoy a great thunderstorm. Sure the rain may be annoying trying to get to and from during our busy lives, but it's so great to listen to the thunder and know that bluer skies are just around the corner.

There is nothing better than spring. I love to get out as a family and enjoy the renewal that spring brings with it. After being cooped up all winter, we recently enjoyed a great weekend outside of planting flowers, washing the cars and going to the park. It is definitely long overdue.

Like almost everything, it again makes me reflect on the life and the family I have. It's no secret that Eric and I are hoping to make our family bigger in the near future. However, life doesn't always deal you the hand you want. It is proving to be a little more difficult than once thought, but we still have faith that if it is meant to be, it will be. We have also had the difficult conversation of what happens if it just isn't meant to be. That decision may be easier said than done. The fact is, that regardless of what our future holds, I have faith that God has a plan for us. I have a wonderful husband who I love dearly, and am blessed to be able to help raise two great little blessed I am already!

Truth is....there's nothing better than being happy with your life. Contentment is not a dirty word - it's one that many people struggle to embrace. We always want more, "need" more, desire more. Whatever happened to being grateful for everything we have, without always wanting more? Don't get me wrong, I desire things just as much as anyone else, but when I truly peel it all away - I am SO HAPPY with my life as it is, right now, today, regardless of what God has planned for me tomorrow and beyond.

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