
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Room to grow

As a new step-mom, I get the pleasure of getting to watch two loving boys grow more and more each year. Since I didn't get to follow them from birth, I've had to struggle more to get to know them. However, I can still appreciate how much they grow from year to year, and I enjoy seeing them develop, and learn how to better handle each new situation.

That got me thinking, what about us? We, as adults, don't just quit learning and growing once we reach 18. There are so many lessons to be learned throughout every experience in our lives. I have finally learned what real love feels like. I have learned hard lessons about respect and committment. I have learned the value of true friendship. I continue to learn each day about how blessed I truly am, and how important it is for me to pass on those blessings to others.

There are days when I don't understand the terrible things in life, but what I have learned so far, is that God always has a plan and a purpose for us. Through some of my most difficult times - where I felt confused, abandoned and broken - I eventually realized that there was a lesson I needed to learn. No matter what life put in my way, I believe there was an underlying path God had me on, to get me to a better place or teach me to help me grow.

To quote one of my favorites readings: "And the Lord said, 'During your times of trial and suffering,when you see only one set of footprints, that was then that I carried you.' "

I hope I can continue to learn with each new day, and have faith that even as an adult...we still have room to grow.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

It's the little things

We often believe it's the big things in our life that will make us happy....a newer car, a bigger house, more money. I am one of the best examples of having nearly everything I wanted of those material items, and still being completely miserable. Thankfully, I had the strength to get out of that situation, and was blessed to meet a man with that same strength. As Eric and I have grown together, we have been able to reflect back and truly see how amazing life can be when you put more emphasis on the important that is filled with passion AND respect, timefamily, health, and the time to enjoy all those.
Despite having everything we need, I know it's human nature to desire more. And I have to add that I'm proud to announce that Eric got the promotion he's been waiting for. We realize that raises, promotions, bonuses - none of that will make us happy within itself (although we were pretty ecstatic last night) but the things you can do with those blessings and opportunities, are even more meaningful.

During this Thanksgiving season, I'm happier than I've ever been. I'm thrilled that my dad is healthy, I'm happy to be married to an amazing man who loves me and my family, I'm proud of his accomplishments, and I'm excited to be a new family together with a bright future.

This season, don't worry so much about the quality of the meal or how clean your house is, but take time to relish in the joy of the people that fill your life, and bring that smile and warmth to your heart and theirs.


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A new day

I remind myself often that a day has the potential to be great, or terrible. This morning started off rough....rainy day, can't find clothes to wear for work, running late, traffic...the list could go on and on. And some days start out even worse. However, one valuable lesson I've learned, is that the day will be what you make of it. If you can manage to shift your attitude, the day can take a turn. Basically, we are in control of our destiny on a very small level. Choosing to be happy instead of irritated, chosing to let things roll off your back, and making the choice to have it become a great day. Remember all your blessings, and think of those less fortunate than you. Putting the little things in perspective definitely creates an attitude shift.

My day is better already and I know it'll only improve from here - all because of faith in God, and a slight change of mind!

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