
Thursday, May 28, 2009

And Away We Go…..

It’s amazing how God can sneak up on you and work miracles in your life. In a little over a week’s time, we were able to sell our old house and buy a new one, all to our surprise!

It really just goes to prove that we aren’t in control of anything….

Just a week prior, we were so upset and disheartened because our old realtors had fallen off the face of the earth and wouldn’t return our phone calls, and the house we had picked out as our “dream house” was suddenly been sold to someone else. Everything seemed to be falling apart and we were left wondering why. But by the grace of God, we received a phone call on a Monday night asking if someone could show our house. Ironically, it had already been pulled off of the website – so it's a wonder how they found us? They made an offer that night and we sold it. A few days later, after seeing many houses, but not finding any that were exactly what we wanted, we came across the perfect house. It is in Altoona and is still being built, but it will be brand new and ready for our family in August.

In usual fashion, if we put our pride (or whatever it is) aside and manage to let go of the wheel – God will take control of our lives. We may not always understand why things happen, and it may seem at the time like things are working against us. But as I’ve said before, I believe God always has a plan, we just don't always understand what it is. What may seem like sadness and disappointment now – may lead to something even better down the road. It is only when we can realize that it is up to Him, and not always try to control our own destiny, that it will happen.

I am so blessed, every day. Whether we would have stayed in our current house, or are able to move to a bigger one….I’m thankful for every joy God instills in my life. And the best part of this past week was not the joy of a new house, but of knowing that God was in control all along and had bigger and better plans for us. What an amazing feeling to know He is always with us. We just sometimes need reminding.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Congratulations on finding your dream home!! I am so thrilled for you both and wish you nothing but the best as you get ready to move on with this new stage in your lives. I can't wait to see it!