
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tis Not Yet the Season?

First off, shame on me for letting so much time go by between blogs. Thankfully, I'm back on the wagon and so excited to announce that Eric and I are expecting a BABY BOY!! We continue to pray that he is healthy and growing strong each day, and although the boys were hoping for a little sister, I think they are really excited about a little brother. What a great addition this little guy will be to our family and extended family! I mean, he'll have two brothers and five cousins to play with (four of which are boys). What fun he'll have!

In addition to that great news, we also were lucky enough to be the grand prize winners of a dream nursery from the Mercy Stork Affair event we attended! We were blown away. It is the largest thing either of us have ever won, and considering we were only at the Stork Affair for about 45 minutes, I'd say it was a good investment of our time! We are being treated to a brand new crib, dresser, hutch, glider/rocker, crib bedding and even money to use on a local artist to come paint a mural or provide artwork! It is truly unreal and I personally feel so grateful (and a little undeserving at times). I'll post some pictures once we get the room closer to complete.

So, since my last post our life has pretty much been non-stop. We are still unpacking boxes and find where we put everything, but we have added a variety of other activities to the mix. Orrin is in flag-football again which requires two weekday practices and a game every week, Eric plays softball which takes up an additional night each week and I am still working my second job, but thankfully that will be coming to a halt in a few weeks. In addition, we have needed to take time for contractors to come fix minor "new house" repairs, and get companies in to give us bids on finishing our basement, and the weekends have been dedicated to working on the house, traveling to Iowa games, etc. October is probably the busiest month I have experienced in a long time. Now, we are also adding in baby classes, weddings, parties, etc. I didn't think it was supposed to get busy like this until the holidays? But regardless, everything that keeps us so busy are ultimately great things that have helped us enjoy our fall season even more.

The rest of October will continue to be busy - no doubt about that. But I have to say, I'm really looking forward to November 1st, when we may be able to get a few months of down time before this little bundle of joy turns our world upside down in new and unique ways!

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