
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Conversations, Binkies, and Santa Claus

It's hard to believe that Asher will be 2 in January!? But he is definitely practicing his manipulation skills and learning to let his emotions and frustration emerge. But it's fascinating to realize that he can now understand and respond to questions and statements like "how was your day?" I have already caught myself saying the ever famous, "use your words."

We have finally decided its time to get rid of the binky- so it just disappeared one night before bed. Now we knew it would be rough, but I wasn't prepared for the horrible, guilty emotions I would feel listening to him cry, and scream and plead his little heart out. There have been 3 nights of that, and one with surprisingly no crying, but he took an hour to put himself to sleep. He only asks for it occasionally now – and I tell him “it’s all gone honey, we gave it to the babies”. not sure if it helps, but we will try anything.

We went to see Santa last night for the second time. He was much less terrified this time, and actually sat on his lap. Although still a little uncertain, I said “tell Santa what you want for Christmas” and he looked at him and said “a tammamin” (spiderman). I had been prepping him, and he did great. Even thought about giving Santa a kiss on the cheek – but I think the beard scared him off – lol!

He is so fun these days, telling stories, mimicking and saying things he shouldn't. Makes me wonder how boring life would be without him. We are so blessed.

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