
Thursday, February 23, 2012

My sweet, lovable 2-year-old

Talk about mood swings. I’m not sure what it is, but Asher tends to follow this odd, perhaps hormonal or molar-induced behavior pattern. He’ll be an angel for 2 weeks, then a bit fussy/needy for a week, then a week or so as an absolutely rotten, demanding 2-year-old terror that makes this mommy need a drink. Then it starts all over. I don’t understand it, but definitely develop anxiety around it, wondering when the next curveball will come. I’m sure it’s ultimately just life with a toddler, but hopefully it’s something he’ll grow out of so he can be his amazingly sweet-self 100% of the time (come on….. a mom can dream).

Regardless, I have been enjoying a wonderful week with my baby boy, and thought I’d make a list of all the little things he’s done/said lately, that just make me love him more with each passing minute.
  • I love it that at his age, he already says “bless you” when I sneeze.
  • I’m delighted when I hear him gently in the backseat of the car, singing along with his Kindermusik songs.
  • I adore the moment I walk in the door at daycare, and he runs screaming over to me “mommmyyyyyy!!!” with a happiness that almost invokes tears from him and me!
  • I find silly delight in his crazy, curly, sometimes out-of-control hair!
  • My heart melts when out of nowhere, even if I’m sitting beside him, he’ll outstretch his arms and say “mommy, wanna come see me?”
  • I giggle with glee when I watch him dance passionately around the house to whatever music might be playing.
  • I take peace in listening to him breathe on the monitor when I go to sleep at night.
  • I sit in delightful amazement when he says things like “I’m a stinker-pot.” Or my favorite, “mommy, you’re my sweetie pea.” (both names I call him).
  • I soak up every moment where he’ll ask to rock-a-bye (even though he’s stalling going to bed) and will lay on my chest in a big bear hug and ask me to sing to him.
  • I tear up when I get him in the car after school and he’ll say “I wanna go see my brothers!” He loves them so, and misses them when they’re not around. 
  • I smile til my cheeks hurts when I hear his bold, infectious laugh when being tickled. It’s the best sound in the world.
  • I selfishly love the fact that he has his favorite “moosey moose” lovey – it reminds me that he’s still my gentle, sweet, sensitive, loving baby boy.

The list could go on and on, and I take enjoyment just sitting here reminding myself of how absolutely wonderful my little boy is. He is and always will be the first thing I look forward to each morning, and the last thought in my head before I close my eyes. And if stories aren’t enough, here are his 2-year pictures to prove his adorableness.

He's definitely a big personality, for better or worse.  And I love every minute of it.

1 comment:

Shelby said...

Oh my....I just teared up reading this! I know exactly how you feel - I think being a Mama might just be the best thing ever. Asher is lucky to have you!!