
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Language Skills.....CHECK!!

Not sure how many of you watch Family Guy, but even if you don't, perhaps you've seen the commercial where the baby, Stewie, goes into his mom's room and repeatedly says her name until she screams "WHAT?"

Well, that precious little boy of mine is practicing those techniques now that he is learning to master the art of language. He amazes me every day with the new things he has learned to say, like "knock it off" to the dog when he's doing something naughty, or asking Oma to "pull sleeve up" while he's trying to play with his toys. He is amazing. He has also figured out that other human beings have ears and can hear and most of the time understand what he's saying. Hence, if you don't respond immediately to his words, he will repeat it incessantly until you do. Typically it's things like "juice" or "more" but it can be anything. He also really loves to do it over top of other conversations - such as when you are on the phone.

But alas, he's still cute as hell and I love that he's smart as a whip. Another example: one morning recently when Oma was there helping us get ready for daycare, Asher was complaining because I put his juice in a normal sippy cup instead of his Cars sippy cup. It was one of those mornings when he'd ask for something, and if you got it for him, he'd just find something else to ask for. I haven't quite figured out why he does this. So I ignored his request for a different cup since it was about the 10th thing he wasn't satisfied with that morning. So he ran over to Oma pleading..."Cars cup Oma!" So I naturally laughed at how stinking smart he is to realize trying another person, and so I said, "Well, I see he has figured out who the sucker is around here...." to which Asher replied "Sucker? Sucker! Sucker!" and went running over to the drawer where I keep the Dum Dums. I laughed so hard, and continue to laugh as I think it over again.

He is so sweet, and smart, and fiesty - he's gotta be my kid! :) Anyway, although totally unrelated to the story above, here's the latest video. Enjoy!

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