
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Overwhelmed and undernourished

It's been a long day. I saw my Asher for about 15 minutes before I rushed off to work at 7am. It's 9pm and I just got home, and he's asleep. I've missed an entire day with him to enjoy being busy, stressed, rushed and overwhelmed. Ultimately, all I ever want to do is spend time relaxing with my family; so why do I get to do so little of that?? The only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning is knowing I'll get a little cuddle, smooching, playing and reading time with the best little guy on the block; true nourishment for my heart and soul! So on days like these where that time is virtually nonexistent, it makes me feel that much more overwhelmed and frustrates with the day; and life in general.

Thank God for the little things, the nourishment, in my life in the form of friends, family....and Asher. I'm fairly confident I would have been on the 10am bus to crazyville a long time ago if it weren't for the love and laughter they provide to help soothe my soul.

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