
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Good laughs to get you through...

I have made it....through one more week. Last week was rough between the layoffs, and working an additional 38 hours at my second job on top of the 40 hours at my primary job. Let's just say it was a long, exhausting, emotionally distressing week. I was tired and crabby (as evident in my last post)! Thanks to everyone who put up with me last week, especially Eric, and helped me get through it!

Onto other things. I have to say, despite the hours, I really enjoy my second job bartending at the Prairie Meadows Events Center. The place is beautiful, and I get to be a part of a variety of events such as elaborate charity galas, fabulous wedding receptions, raucous company holiday parties and a variety of other fun events such as boxing, comedians, concerts, etc. The group of people I work with are the best! The bartenders are a close-knit crew who stick together to get the work done, share the wealth and have a some serious fun in the process. They are great people!

In contrast, I got to thinking about a couple people I do work with that....well....aren't so fun. It is amazing to me how some people can go through life with such a rotten attitude. Don't get me wrong - I OBVIOUSLY have my days, but for the most part, I would like to think I'm a somewhat positive, outgoing and friendly person - willing to help out where needed. And I would sure hope that if I'm not those things, someone who loves me will pull me aside and tell me to get the corncob out of my ass! Reality is- I like to surround myself with people that have a similar mind-set. I don't mean you have to have the same beliefs, lifestyle or opinions as me (let's face it - that would be boring). But I do love those that are friendly hard working, positive and love to laugh!

My point is - life is too short! Don't surround yourself with people that bring you down. So many people in this world are intent on playing the victim and the naysayer with everything they do. PEOPLE - we ALL have victim stories - get over it! If we hope to do great things in life, we need people around us that are encouraging, positive and willing to help us out if needed. On top of all that, I have realized that the most important quality I love in people - is the willingness to have fun and laugh!! Being at work for nearly 80 hours in a week definitely forced me to rely on those around me to keep me going. Thankfully, I have great friends, family and co-workers to bring a smile to my face when I'm asleep on my feet.

So shake off that bad attitude as I have. Deal with your negaitve thoughts, rationalize your reasons to move forward and begin to laugh at yourself. Force yourself to become one of those people that we all love to hang out with! To start you all off on the right path, I submit this horrifically embarrassing picture of myself for your enjoyment (sorry mom). Laugh it up.

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