
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I know that it's officially Christmas that I have all my shopping done (who noticed that I was finishing the last of it yesterday, right?)

Despite all of the snow, ice, grumpy holiday shoppers, abused checking accounts and absolute insanity of Christmas "prep", I am finally in the Christmas spirit! The packages are all neatly tucked under the tree - only to be packed into the car this afternoon to head to Eric's parents house. I still don't know how we are going to get all four of us, two dogs, all of our stuff AND Christmas presents into one vehicle?! Thank goodness I married the "master packer" as he is known.

Anyway, the holidays can be exhausting - so be sure to slow down tomorrow and enjoy time with your family and friends. And as Loki knows, it's important to take a nap if you need to!

Merry Christmas to you and your families. Make this a safe and beautiful holiday.

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