
Sunday, December 16, 2007

Take me away!

Oh, as much as I love the holiday season, there are times when the phrase "Calgon, take me away" is all too true. Like the picture posted to the left (our honeymoon in Cancun), we are just all too often in need of a serious vacation!

This weekend was good, but between cleaning, trips to the store, laundry, cooking, remodeling bathrooms, and one very sick little boy - it was pretty much one of "those" weekends. You know the kind, where you actually look forward to going back to work on Monday! It makes me think about why we work so hard? It is obviously human nature to want more, and better in life. But sometimes it seems like our time, money and efforts would be better spent on just getting away and letting go of all the stresses of life! Ahhh, what I wouldn't give to lay back on the beach again, soaking up the sun and drinking something fruity.
We all owe it to ourselves., even if it's just a little weekend getaway every fes months. However.....being responsible enough to commit to taking time away, that's the most challenging task. But truly, some days if you hope to stay sane, it's the only thing that may help!

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