
Thursday, December 13, 2007

Who are we?

It seems that as an adult, I've been forced to redefine myself, many times over. In high school, who you were was solid based on what group you fell into: the goths, the band geeks, the poets, the preps, the jocks, the nerds..... you were always able to surround yourself by friends that were just like you. In some ways, there was no battle with defining yourself. There's no desire to evaluate yourself more when you're 16.

As adults, we are now forced to redefine ourselves with each decision made. We have the added complexity of never-ending responsibilities: bills, jobs, kids, houses...the list goes on and on. Some of us are solid in who we've become- we have a secure base of friendships, a comfortable job, perhaps even a relationship. But other of us struggle harder, to fit in and figure out what we want to be as a person. Because from day to day, friendships can diminish, people change, loved ones die, families grow, marriages fail, jobs change. There is a constant need to redefine what your life is, what makes you, YOU? Do you define yourself based on who you associate with, or the salary you make, or the lifestyle you live? Take away everything you have and are comfortable with, and what's left?

I know I struggle with many redefining issues on what I hope to be. I know that I want to be a giving soul, I don't want to be the 'heavy girl', I consider being a mother, and I have occasional battles with self-esteem with the direction my life is headed. I have lofty goals for myself, but wonder which ones are most important in contributing to the person I am, heart and soul?

Through it all, I don't want to define myself by how many friends I have, how big my house is, or what important job I have. I want to define myself as the person I am, someone who loves getting to know new people, has a passion for music and writing, someone who learned from her mistakes, someone who loves to talk, laugh, and even cry.

At the end of the day, when you strip all of it away - who are you? In some ways, I think we are all still those kids from high school...trying to find ourselves.

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