
Monday, January 28, 2008

What gets you out of bed?

It is so great to wake up each morning and think to yourself, "what do I have to look forward to today?" Even if it's not something immediate, or even anything that exciting....for me it is what gets me out of bed each day.

This weekend, I enjoyed time with my family, and friends. I enjoyed a night at home with "my" boys ordering pizza and watching movies, swimming lessons, and going for a walk with the dogs. I also enjoyed time with a good friend - laughing and acting like kids again. Sometimes it's the simple things that seem to bring the most pleasure.

Each day brings new things to look forward to, even if it's a Monday like today. You can still wake up with the joy of looking forward to a hug or smile from your kids, an opportunity to do great things at work, an "i love you" email from a spouse, or fun times to share with those closest to you. I continue to look forward to date nights with my husband, relaxing on the couch with my dogs, watching the boys laugh and have a great time when we do things as a family, trips we plan to take......and everything the future holds for me and this wonderful life I have.

Call me an annoying optimist, but what a better place this world would be if we could continue to look forward to the great things in life! Maybe it's faith, or the hope that each new sunrise brings. For me it's all of the above..... I'm just thrilled that I have amazing things to look forward to today, and for years to come.

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