
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

New in town

You could practically hear the neighbors say, "there's a new crazy lady in town".

Today marked a slight psychotic moment for me as I chopped away at the two feet of ice boulders that were left at the opening of my driveway by the plows. As I chopped away at it with a metal garden shovel (plastic would be a joke), I turned into a mad woman, chopping at the ice, getting angrier and angrier with each stab I took. Although I think I might have momentarily blacked out in my rage - I think I vaguely remember screaming obscenities at one point. Let's just say, it was not one of my prouder moments, and probably scared everyone within a one block distance back into their houses.

I would like to consider myself one of mother natures more tolerant inhabitants of this world...especially in the winter. Yes, I manage to complain by the end of each winter, but for the most part, I realize I live here and there is nothing I can do about it. However, this winter has pushed me to my brink. Between the bitter cold that freezes the hairs in your nose upon stepping outside the house, to the hours of time spent with the shovel in hand like an explorer, trying to find what lies beneath the 10" of ice I once called my driveway - I have had it.

I am going on the record to protest the rest of this winter season! I am crying uncle, I am exposing my belly (dog reference) and I concede to being the biggest loser in this bitter battle against this wretched season they call winter. Despite all my fears of bugs in the spring and dreadfully sweltering humidity and heat in the summer, I am somehow managing to look forward to the warmer weather. I am officially tired of being held captive in my own house (with 2 kids, 2 dogs and a husband) because the weather cannot allow me a brief moment of peace to enjoy myself in the wonderful outdoors.

I guess there is nothing left to say, but good riddance. My tirade has exhausted me and think it's time to go put my sweatpants on.

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