
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Pure Joy

When was the last time you experienced a good laugh? Not just a “my co-worker said something funny” chuckle, or a strained laugh because everyone else is – but I’m talking pure 100% laughter. The kind of laughter you love because it makes your stomach hurt and you end up begging someone to stop before you pee your pants!

I love to laugh. It is one of the purest joys in my life. I enjoy a good laugh in some of the most unexpected places, like at work! I love telling great stories and laughing with my friends at work about who was dancing in the elevator with secret security cameras watching! Or even at home on a quiet night with Eric and the dogs, when Eric is a sarcastic ass and the dogs are being crazy. I adore the fact that my husband can truly make me laugh. I love letting out an authentic snort and giggle when he tells a story or plays with the dogs.

I think laughing is underrated and under-utilized. What a stress reliever to let go of worries, inhibitions, chores, excuses and whatever else holds you back long enough to enjoy the true comedy of a situation. I can’t help but smile as I write this, thinking back on last Saturday night when during a tubing outing at Sleepy Hollow, I witnessed two grown men slip on the ice and fall on each other – dumping one another out of their tubes (thankfully, no one was hurt). Oh, did I enjoy that one! And what about seeing someone else laugh? It puts a true smile on my face and in my heart to see those closest to me, experience so much joy that they can’t help but let it spill out.

Although the genuine moments of true laughter tend to be too few and far between, one thing is certain, we can all find a little more time in our day to enjoy the gift of laughter. So take time out to call a friend, watch a funny movie, act like a kid again, or tell a good story and try to experience the purest joy of laughing. I promise – you’ll love it.

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